The Golf Addict — everybody knows one. And every golf addict will plead a different case for “The Greatest Game Ever Played.” The exercise, the scenery, the escape, that one perfectly struck shot, socializing with friends, the 19th hole, or most importantly, the fact you can play and enjoy the game at all stages of your life. But every golf addict will agree on one main draw, the unrelenting desire to get better and shoot lower scores!
Unfortunately, everyone has physical limits. Not everyone will be able to hit the 300-yard drive, but putting/chipping is the place where EVERY weekend golfer can dramatically improve their game and lower their scores. But who has the extra hours in a day to drive to and practice at the local course? Enter the backyard putting green!
What better way to improve your game than to have your own realistic putting green in your back yard?!
Have an extra 20-30 minutes in the evening? Pop outside and hit a few chips or 10-footers. In a matter of weeks, you’ll see the large impact even this little extra practice will have on your scores. Our years of experience in putting green design/construction, coupled with our increasingly realistic and affordable turf products, allow us to create putting greens and chipping areas to fit every budget. You’ll become the hangout house for your kids and their friends, you’ll have a new way to entertain your holiday party guests, and you’ll start shooting lower scores!!